Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So today in English 1101, the 9:30am class was cancelled. The reson being for this disturbing news is still unknown, although there were many students that found it to be a great oppurtunity to do else things. Unlike me, I am sitting in a math lab, suppose to be working on my math work called Aleks, but i had to detour to do else thing. You know how you get fustrated at certain points in your day to were youo just want to slack up on things, and do what you wanna do, well today is that day for me. My eyes are actually getting heavy just by sitting here doing this now come to think about. May be class will start back up on this coming up Thursday, all we can do, is just sit around and wait, RIGHT! However, what so ever it is, i truly hope all is well with the teacher and family. Until next time, post for you readers LATER!!

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