Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So today in English 1101, the 9:30am class was cancelled. The reson being for this disturbing news is still unknown, although there were many students that found it to be a great oppurtunity to do else things. Unlike me, I am sitting in a math lab, suppose to be working on my math work called Aleks, but i had to detour to do else thing. You know how you get fustrated at certain points in your day to were youo just want to slack up on things, and do what you wanna do, well today is that day for me. My eyes are actually getting heavy just by sitting here doing this now come to think about. May be class will start back up on this coming up Thursday, all we can do, is just sit around and wait, RIGHT! However, what so ever it is, i truly hope all is well with the teacher and family. Until next time, post for you readers LATER!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So Now What God!?

Some people say that you are not to question God, well im not exactly questioning him, its more of asking him for directions fromm this poin that i am at in my life RIGHT NOW! I have been told numerous of things about the way i should walk my walk with christ. Some have told me that i should live life, have fun, he knows your huert, he will forgive you for your sins. Yea Yea, that i know, but can they ever tell me what he will do about the fact that i know right from wrong, but i still try to relate my problems with my other peers and see how they handle their situations. Every one has their own appointed time were they have to answer in front of the Lord! Now with that being said, we never ever know that appointed time, therefore we all or shall i say we suppose to just live right until due time. So once i left church this past Sunday, my grandmother told me that she needed to talke with me about something that was revealed to her. Well, she did talk with me, and said son i will be oraying for you, and you will be alright. So you know what readers, i am now standing on the word of God, as well as the word of prophecy that my grandmother spoke to me.!!! If you all read this, please give me input on it or your advice... Thanks!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here comes the fun part!

 For all kind, what so ever, that are planning to attend college, I thought that It would be a good idea for me to just keep you guys posted on my activites while I sit hright here in class. We'll all is well so far, and i am liking it each and every day. Thats the thing that surprised me by the way. I loved high schoiol, exspecially my senior year, so I had already made up in my mind that I wanted to attend college. It will so pay off in the long run for all of the former students that are wanting to study what so have in life. All I can say as of being a collge student, is to never ever allow any one to come in and pull you away from your hopes and dreams, rather its your mother your father sister or brother, always stay focused!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today, August 25, 2011, English!!!

Well today In class, I had something what some of us know as an air head moment. I totally forgot my URL to my page. I was completely embarrassed, and just wanted to get up and run out of the class (just a joke)! I really didnt understand why my professior kept tellint me that she had nonthing to show for me. I over looked my own hand writing, not knowing that it was just the answer to the problem. OMG!!! I feel totally crazy at this point, lol.! So maybe that was the laugh of the day, plus i have like 3 other classes that I have to attend. When i am about to fall aseep in one of them, I'll just use my member retriever and think about what just happened. It will wake me up, like fresh coffee in the morning. Oh, yea, I must mention on how aggravating my math class Is. If any one would happen to know who is Aleks, please let me know (math). Well, at the end of the day, man up, and walkt hrough my trails and tribulations, only knowing that i will come off on top of the moutain!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Almost through with college!!

 We'll I know that my title may not makes any since, but I am very almost through with college. What I mean by that is just as it simply states. I graduated high school down in Macon, Ga way back in 2010. I have been on my education life since. I know this maybe souud a little of subject, but I actually have a friend whom graduated like in 2008 thats now attending Howard University, you know that school thats way in Washington D.C! She called me on yesteday in tears about the fact that she stays in Virgina, which is maybe one-hour in a half thats away from the school. She told me that she have to rely on the bus and train to get back and fourth to the campus. Well the moral of that story is that, Im almost through with college, with out having to go away from home having the worry of how im going to get back and fourth to school! SMH (shakeing my head)!